That's what we stand for in our team.

Passion for events.

We want to spark your interest in a new culture of discussion and develop with you ways of enhancing social co-existence. For us, a very important part of this involves honesty, trust and transparency in the way we deal with each other as well as how we communicate internally and externally. What we stand for today and in the future is that our Forum is a place for new ideas, positive dialogue and sustainable change.

By swapping ideas with you and our network, we learn a little more each day and share what we have found out around our team.

How can we learn from each other?

Our contribution.

We want to actively strengthen Berlin on its way to becoming a sustainable conference hub and make it fit for the future with a broad network. As an enthusiastic partner we are only too happy to contribute our ideas and expertise. We look forward to some intensive exchanges.

We get involved.

Passionate about sustainability: together with our partners we are taking the next steps on the way to making events in the dbb forum sustainable. In this we are guided by the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We are especially committed to these four goals:

  • Goal 7:
    Affordable and
    clean energy

    Our commitment:
    green electricity and photovoltaics,
    LED lighting, sparing use of resources, public transport offers for staff,
    CO2 compensation.

  • Goal12:
    Responsible consumption
    and production

    Our commitment:
    seasonal local cuisine with a focus on vegan and vegetarian, Fair Trade and organic,
    sustainable supply chain,
    Mission statement: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.

  • Goal 13:
    Climate action

    Our commitment:
    energy efficiency in building management, sustainable agriculture, buying locally.

  • Goal 17:
    for the goals

    Our commitment:
    Sustainable Meetings Berlin
    BEN - Berlin Event Network,
    degefest - Conference and Seminar Industry Association.